1) Get the sample report from user
Get sample reports that customers want to extract from the Dr.Koutei system. Specify searching condition such as by Job No., date range We will make a summary of the report design toconfirm the understanding.
2) Report Creation
Create a report by specifying the command to retrieve data from the database. Write a Macro in case the report is complex.
3) Login Dr.Report
When you start using Dr.Report on Excel for security reason, you will need to log in to access it. You can specify login permissions for each type of report access.
4) Specify searching condition
Users can specify the conditions of the search on the screen, It can be entered manually or select from the program screen at any time, the user can set what information want to select from the screen.
5) Automatic report creation
Users just click the report button to create a report. System will automatically generate reports immediately.
When connecting Dr.Koutei to Excel in real-time, More over than to reducing the time to generate the report itself.
The data displayed is also reliable because it is pulled directly from the system, not the data key by the user.
Automated report creation on Excel within one click and Real-Time eliminates delays in delivering reports to customers.
By generating reports, it directly retrieves data from the Dr.Koutei database, eliminating the problem of generating misleading reports from user.
With the summary of the Dr.Koutei system in a variety of formats. So it can help user to analyze data for make a decision.
As the system automatically fetches and generates reports, the user can generate reports upon what customer need.